Child Support

Morganton Child Support Attorneys

Helping Parents Secure a Fair Financial Arrangement

In a perfect world, the individual we had children with would be our partner for life. Unfortunately, this isn’t always how things turn out. Whether through divorce, legal separation, or just the end of a committed or short-term relationship, there are often children who are around much longer than the relationship itself. When this happens, it’s essential for parents to continue to care for and protect their child. However, securing a fair financial support agreement can be difficult — and that’s why you should consider speaking with a Morganton child support lawyer.

At Webster & Back Law, our dedicated family law legal team is proud to serve Caldwell and Burke Counties. We know that these legal issues can be stressful and challenging, and those who choose to take on these hurdles alone often end up with unfavorable outcomes. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this alone. Our attorneys can represent you through mediation, negotiations, and litigation. We know you want what’s best for your child, and it’s important that a fair support arrangement is reached. Contact us today for a confidential consultation to learn how we can help.

Who Has to Pay Child Support in North Carolina?

Our law office is frequently visited by individuals wondering whether they owe or are entitled to child support. Unfortunately, North Carolina law is somewhat complex when it comes to this issue. While there is a formula that helps easily calculate payments, the formula can vary based on individual circumstances. It’s also the case that a court can deviate from the standard North Carolina child support formula in certain instances. However, the one thing that remains true is that both parents are financially responsible for supporting their child.

This financial responsibility is true even if a parent isn’t in their child’s life. In most instances, the noncustodial parent will have to make payments to the custodial parent. These arrangements are often decided upon during a divorce, but if you weren’t married to your child’s other parent, you’d still have to secure a court order for payments. In situations where each parent shares custody of their child, the courts will consider the amount of time the child spends with each party. Both parents’ incomes will be considered as well, and it’s possible that the parent with a higher income will owe support even when custody is shared.

If this sounds a bit confusing, that’s because it is. Unfortunately, this doesn’t even represent just how complex these issues can become. That’s why you should consider speaking with a Morganton child support lawyer before making any decisions.

How Is Child Support Calculated in Burke and Caldwell Counties?

Under North Carolina law, there is a specific child support formula to determine which parent will owe the other child support payments. First, you need to determine the appropriate worksheet to use for calculating payments. Family law attorneys can help you pinpoint the correct option, but the decision will always be based on the amount of time the child spends at each parent’s home. After determining the appropriate worksheet, the gross income of each parent needs to be entered into the calculation. This includes most sources of income.

From there, certain deductions can be made. Once the deductions are applied, expenses need to be tabulated:

  • Health insurance premiums paid on behalf of the child
  • Childcare costs that each parent pays
  • “Extraordinary expenses”

Depending on the appropriate worksheet for your situation, this may be all the information you need. Your Morganton child support lawyer can review the documents and ensure you’re not paying your former spouse/partner too much or receiving too little. Unfortunately, it’s not always this straightforward. Additional information is required for other worksheets, and since a judge can issue orders outside the parameters of the North Carolina child support guidelines, it’s typically ideal to have an experienced legal professional on your side.

Why Should You Hire an Attorney for Child Support Cases?

The child support guidelines in Burke and Caldwell Counties are the same throughout the state. In fact, they’re fairly standardized and similar to many other states’ procedures. With this being the case, one might question whether they need an attorney at all. Perhaps they’re going through an amicable divorce, or maybe they reached an agreement with their former spouse/significant other based on their understanding of the child support guidelines. Then again, they might simply believe the law is on their side. However, the reality is that hiring a child support lawyer in Morganton can still have a significantly positive impact on your life.

For one, a lawyer can ensure that your calculations are accurate and include all relevant information. A legal professional can also address complex financial situations — such as when someone is self-employed, owns a business, or receives non-traditional income. A child support attorney will also be able to assist if there are underlying custody disputes or divorce issues or if help is needed with order enforcement. And since no one can predict the future, working with a legal professional is always wise when a child support order modification may be needed.

Put simply, a family law lawyer can help guide you through the most difficult aspects of this process and ensure a fair outcome is reached for you and your child. At Webster & Back Law, you’ll get the experienced help you need to deal with these complicated issues. Contact us today.

Contact Our Morganton Child Support Lawyers Today

No relationship’s future can be known, and that’s why many people have children with a former partner. In some cases, they share a child with someone they cannot get along with. However, former couples often cannot just go their separate ways when a child is involved. North Carolina courts expect both parents to provide financial support for their child, and if you’re currently involved in a dispute or unsure of what a fair arrangement looks like, things can be very confusing. Fortunately, the NC child support calculator is relatively simple — but it’s also possible to secure a more favorable outcome.

At Webster & Back Law, we know that you care about your child and only want what’s best for them. Unfortunately, your former spouse or partner may seek an unfair outcome or mislead the courts about their financial situation. Of course, it’s also possible that you get along fine with your ex — and you merely want to ensure the child support agreement you reach is enforceable under the law and legally valid. The Morganton child support lawyers at our family law firm can help in these situations and many others. Contact us at (828) 677-2175 to schedule a consultation today.

The professionals on our legal team will serve as dedicated advocates focused on your best interests.