Morganton Traffic Law Lawyers
Fighting to Ensure Minor Traffic Infractions Don’t Lead to Serious Consequences
In the criminal justice system, people don’t typically look at traffic tickets too seriously. After all, over 40 million tickets are issued annually just for speeding. It takes an incredibly lucky person to avoid ever receiving a traffic violation, so it’s no surprise that individuals often want to just pay their ticket and move on. Unfortunately, this can lead to unexpected and severe consequences in North Carolina’s Burke and Caldwell Counties. In fact, it’s likely in your best interest to speak with one of our Morganton, NC traffic ticket lawyers immediately after receiving a ticket.
At Webster & Back Law, our dedicated legal team has seen countless people have their lives upended due to these unexpected repercussions. Lost driving privileges, increased insurance premiums, license restoration fees, potential employment consequences, and even criminal charges are possible in certain instances. For these reasons and so many others, it’s critical to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Even if you only sit down for a short consultation to get a better idea of what you’re up against, you may be able to reduce the impact of traffic charges on your life.
Contact our law firm today. We’re here to assist.
Do You Really Need a Traffic Ticket Lawyer?
Most people know there’s a big difference between facing criminal charges and getting a traffic ticket. In many instances, a ticket doesn’t even require a person to go to court — typically if they decide they’d rather pay the ticket than fight it. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to realize that this decision is essentially a guilty plea in traffic cases. Even so, people often believe that their choice to plead guilty will save them money compared to hiring a Morganton traffic ticket attorney. However, this belief frequently comes back to bite them.
Even simple speeding tickets can result in high fines. In fact, you may end up paying hundreds on your first speeding offense. For more serious tickets, fines could go into the thousands — and even worse, your insurance rates could increase. While car insurance rates in Caldwell County and Burke County are some of the lowest in the nation, this advantage of living in our community can go right out the window with a single traffic ticket. Worse yet, traffic offenses can sometimes result in license points — which could mean you forfeit your rights to drive.
What Is the North Carolina DMV Point System?
When a person is charged with a traffic infraction in North Carolina, there’s a chance that they’ll receive DMV points and insurance points. The former can directly affect your rights as a motorist in our state. For instance, the state may take away your license if you accrue 12 license points over a 3-year period. The crazy part of this is that it can happen without a person ever standing before a judge. If you simply choose to pay a ticket every time you’re issued one, points can slowly accrue without you realizing it. Countless drivers have received unexpected notices in the mail revoking their driving privileges.
Other Consequences
Unfortunately, even those not in danger of losing their license have faced surprise consequences. For instance, did you know that littering in our state can result in one DMV point and one insurance point? While a single DMV point doesn’t mean much — particularly when you have no prior traffic tickets — just one insurance point can increase your rates by up to 30 percent. In most cases, such an increase can be financially devastating. At Webster & Back Law, you’ll work with Morganton traffic law lawyers who are committed to helping you avoid such outcomes.
Contact us today to learn how we can help.
Could You Lose Your License for a Speeding Ticket in Western North Carolina?
Any good criminal defense attorney works hard to get their clients the best deal. The same can be said for traffic ticket attorneys. However, many people wonder whether they could possibly lose their license over traffic violations. After all, it’s not a “real crime” — right? Unfortunately, you can lose your license. Some people receive three DMV points for a single speeding ticket, and if you’re already close to the license suspension threshold, this could easily push you over. Even worse, individuals who have had their licenses suspended in the past have an even lower threshold of having it taken away again.
There are also certain charges that can result in the immediate revocation of a driver’s license. This is true even for individuals who have never gotten a traffic ticket in their lifetimes. For instance, an officer could put your license in danger by claiming you were speeding to elude arrest or while racing others. Such charges are clearly more serious than typical traffic matters, but they very often have similar outcomes for DMV and insurance points. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to work with a Morganton traffic ticket lawyer who also handles criminal cases.
That’s exactly what you’ll find at Webster & Back Law. We proudly represent clients in Western North Carolina in everything from fighting a speeding ticket to murder cases. We’re ready to advocate for you. Contact us today for assistance.
Contact Our Morganton Traffic Ticket Lawyers Today
After getting pulled over and ticketed by a police officer, most people don’t realize that they’re in a fight for their future. Sure, a person who only gets one traffic ticket over a period of time may not lose their driver’s license. However, insurance points are far less forgiving than DMV points. Just a single point on your insurance record can increase your rates exponentially. And if you’re charged with something along the lines of DWI or reckless driving, the potential consequences are even more disastrous. Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, working with a traffic law defense lawyer is advised.
At Webster & Back Law, we understand exactly what you’re going through. We speak to clients every day who fail to realize how seriously a traffic ticket could affect their lives, and they come to us for help ensuring that another violation doesn’t derail everything. Even if you’re charged with a minor offense — such as improper equipment or failure to notify the DMV of address changes — the courts can issue fines that take hard-earned money directly out of your pocket. You need our Morganton, NC traffic ticket lawyers on your side, and that’s exactly what you’ll find at our law offices.
Contact us at (828) 677-2175 today to schedule your confidential consultation.