Morganton DWI Attorneys
Fighting Against Overzealous Prosecutions to Protect Our Clients’ Futures
Being arrested is never a good thing, and while some may view drunk driving as less serious than other criminal offenses, the consequences can be equally harsh. North Carolina takes driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges very seriously. Unfortunately, the state’s efforts to reduce drunk driving have resulted in a complex legal framework that’s difficult to understand. Misdemeanor drunk driving allegations are charged at several levels, and even the least serious charges can result in significant jail time and thousands of dollars in costs. That’s why you need dedicated Morganton, NC DWI attorneys on your side.
At Webster & Back Law, our dedicated team of legal professionals tirelessly advocates on behalf of our clients in Caldwell and Burke Counties. A DWI charge can completely alter your life’s trajectory, which is true even if you don’t face jail time. After all, imagine what a public criminal record and losing your license for a minimum of one year could do to your life. It may seem tempting to plead guilty for offered leniency from prosecutors, but don’t fall into the trap of believing they’re on your side. If you want to avoid the most serious consequences, speaking to an attorney is in your best interest.
Contact us today for your confidential consultation.
Do You Really Need to Hire a Law Firm?
If you ask anyone from the arresting officer to the prosecutor, you’re likely to hear that there’s nothing that a lawyer can do for you. You may hear the same things from others who have faced a DWI charge. After all, there’s likely evidence showing that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was above legal limits — or perhaps the officer claims you failed a field sobriety test. In such situations, should anyone really take on the burden of fighting their DWI case? In nearly every instance, the answer is “yes.”
The simple fact is that there’s no such thing as an “open and shut” case. This fact is true for any criminal offense, including impaired driving. For instance, did you know there have been two massive cases — one in Tennessee and one in Massachusetts — where drivers were wrongfully charged and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) due to faulty equipment and police misconduct? Tens of thousands of innocent people were affected. While these incidents might be outliers, the fact remains that the justice system makes mistakes.
If you’re charged with DWI in Burke County or Caldwell County, you should speak with an attorney to determine the strength of the case against you. Our Morganton DWI attorneys have spent several years advising clients on their options and how to best move forward. We’ll be completely honest about your chances, and our dedicated advocates will work to help you avoid incarceration, license suspension, and the many other penalties for DWI under North Carolina law.
Penalties for DWI Under Criminal Law in North Carolina
North Carolina truly does have some of the most complex impaired driving laws in America. In most states, a person accused of operating a motor vehicle while impaired will face very specific consequences. The only variations are typically whether an individual has been convicted of drunk driving in the past, was driving with a child in the vehicle, or caused some form of serious harm (e.g., property damage, severe injuries). In North Carolina, all these factors are still considered — but so are many others. This consideration can result in five levels of charges, and that’s just for misdemeanors.
Level 5 charges are the least severe, but if you find yourself in court charged with Level 5 DWI, you’ll quickly realize the consequences are still serious. In fact, you could face months in jail, thousands of dollars in fines, a driver’s license suspension for a minimum of one year, costly treatment classes, and a variety of other difficult outcomes. As more serious levels are charged, potential penalties increase for DWI. For instance, a Level 1 charge could result in up to 24 months in jail. Even if the judge decides to be lenient, those convicted under Level 1 will face a minimum of one month behind bars.
Consult our Trusted Attorneys
Our law practice has seen people convicted under varying levels of the law. Unfortunately, many people choose to face this ordeal on their own. In these instances — even in a best-case scenario where probation is handed down rather than incarceration — the legal penalties could change your life forever. Our Morganton DWI lawyers have been serving Burke and Caldwell Counties for years, and we know what it takes to fight back against the state. Contact us today to learn more.
Can a DWI Conviction Affect Family Law, Administrative Law, Other Areas?
When we speak with a prospective new client at our law firm, we try our best to help them understand what they’re up against. This explanation involves answering an array of questions, and typically, these questions center on the criminal penalties of a DWI conviction in North Carolina. Unfortunately, this is far from where the difficulties of the legal process end.
Administrative Consequences
After all, the suspension of a person’s driver’s license isn’t a criminal penalty — but rather an administrative one. Other administrative requirements can include ignition interlock devices (IIDs), court costs and fines, community service fees, and more.
Family Law Implications
Sadly, any criminal defense attorney can also attest to the fact that a conviction can carry family law implications. If you’re in a dispute with a former spouse or dealing with any other issue, the courts may see the existence of DWI cases against you as evidence of irresponsibility and criminal behavior. Sadly, many people don’t recognize this possibility — particularly if they’re not currently experiencing family law problems. That’s why anyone committed to keeping their life in order — which goes far beyond avoiding criminal penalties — should work with a Morganton DWI defense attorney.
Remember, there’s no such thing as a minor DWI case in North Carolina. Caldwell and Burke County prosecutors work hard to secure convictions and maximum sentencing. You need a criminal defense attorney on your side who will work equally hard to represent your best interests. Let the legal team at Webster & Back Law put their expertise to work for you. Contact our law office today to schedule your confidential consultation.
Should You Accept a Plea Agreement With Burke and Caldwell County Prosecutors?
It can be scary facing DWI charges. This fear is why so many people accept a plea deal, hoping to simply move on with their lives. This likelihood is particularly true for those accused of aggravating factors such as impaired driving in a school zone or having open containers of alcohol. Any attorney who is completely honest will tell you that a plea deal is sometimes the best possible outcome in a case. In some instances, mitigating potential penalties is the only way to move forward.
Statistics show that around 95% of criminal cases are resolved with plea deals. Most people arrested for DWI will have their case resolved similarly. However, you should never agree to anything without first contacting a Morganton DWI attorney. Even if the prosecutor tells you they’re being lenient — or threatens to increase the charges against you if you refuse to accept a plea — the reality is that these promises and threats are often made because the state has a weak case.
Violations of Constitutional Rights
How disheartening would it be to accept a plea deal, face penalties, and later discover that your constitutional rights were violated? In most instances, nothing can be done after the fact. This possibility is why you should discuss your case with an experienced defense attorney who can provide a holistic view of the charges against you. The system provides protections to defendants, and even those who believe in their own guilt are allowed to take advantage of these protections. Contact our law firm today.
How Our Firm Can Help Your DWI Case
When people think of criminal defense attorneys, they often envision legal professionals standing beside defendants charged with murder, robbery, and other violent crimes. Rarely do their thoughts venture to think of a person charged with impaired driving, and this is likely because most people charged with DWI in North Carolina opt for a plea deal. Unfortunately, such a decision is not likely to secure the reduced sentence you’re hoping for. The fact is that police and prosecutors will aim for the most severe penalties they can get — often making threats they have no ability to keep.
Contact Our Morganton DWI Attorneys Today
At Webster & Back Law, our Morganton DWI defense lawyers understand what you’re up against. We’ve seen how prosecutors scare defendants into taking unfair deals, and that’s why we work tirelessly to ensure our clients get the best possible results. There’s no way to guarantee that you won’t face some type of punishment, but when our law firm represents you, we won’t stop fighting to have charges dismissed, thrown out by a jury, or reduced to avoid the negative effects on your life. Whether you’re charged with misdemeanor or felony DWI in Burke and Caldwell Counties, we’re here to help.
Contact us at (828) 677-2175 to schedule your consultation today.